Blockchain/Rust Developer @ NEAR

Job Information

Job Description:

– Proficiency Rust- Software design, architecture and engineering skills.
– Experience with message based and event sourced architectures.
– Test and contract based development- Extreme ownership mentality – ability to take extreme ownership and full responsibility of tasks and projects.
– Professionalism and quality in work ethic.
– Desire to support and improve existing code.
Nice to have
– Previous experience with the nearcore code base.
– Previous experience with NATS.
– Previous experience in the blockchain industry, particularly around the NEAR, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Solana ecosystems.
– Maintain and improve services written in Rust which are part of the business infrastructure.
– Communication and collaboration with a fully distributed team.
– Collaborate with Ethereum and be active in the Ethereum engineering forums.

Experience Level: Junior/Associate
Work From: Remote from Anywhere

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