Engineer, DevOps @Hex Trust

Job Information

Job Description:

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Manage kubernetes cluster, cloud and on-prem infrastructure
    • hybrid and multi-cluster setup
    • software upgrade, patches, hotfixes
    • backup & restore
    • diagnostic and troubleshoot application/infrastructure/network issues
  • Increase and manage system observability by optimizing monitoring system, service mesh and tracing
  • Incorporate DevOps best practice both in cultural and technological side
  • Extensive use of IAC (terraform, terragrunt, ansible)
  • Embrace and embed GitOps model for application management and deployment
  • Coordinate and craft solution for problems raised by different tech departments
  • Design solution with scalability, security and stability in its core
  • Manage and enhance CICD pipeline to support various deployment model
  • Manage and setup blockchain infrastructure to support new chains and business growth


  • Deep understanding of Kubernetes
    • Helm
    • Network Policy + Service Mesh
    • Operator model + CRD
  • Proficiency in the following tools/frameworks/languages is highly recommended:
    • Any one of Golang/Python/Javascript/Typescript
    • Terraform, Terragrunt,, Ansible
    • ArgoCD
    • Prometheus, Grafana
  • Experience in AWS; GCP and on-premise infrastructure management experience is a plus (IBM ESXi, Proxmox, etc.)
  • Knowledge of Docker and multi-stage/multi-architecture builds, registries, and best image practices
  • Experience in one of the monitoring systems (Prometheus stack, Influx stack, Datadog, New Relic etc.), experience with APM, open telemetry is a plus
  • Experience with GitOps development workflow and infrastructure as code (IAC) approach
  • Diploma/Degree in Information Technology or related disciplines
  • You love the console and are not afraid to read man pages
  • 3-6 years of experience and deep knowledge of:
    • Linux/Unix Server System Administration
    • Network Administration
    • Network infrastructure management and maintenance experience
    • Hands-on experience with relational database structures: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
    • Solid knowledge of standard network communication protocols such as DNS, HTTP(S), LDAP, SMTP, SNMP

Experience Level: Mid-Senior
Work From: Onsite

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