1. Overseeing the daily operations of IC foundry to ensure that all profiling operations, work flow, and customer reports are consistent with agreed upon service operations.
2. Analyze production related data and provide dynamical strategies to achieve organization production goals & KPI.
3. Assisting with scheduling projects to be completed, running projects upon compound receipt, analyzing data using database systems/tools built and updating tracking programs to keep operating smoothly. Schedule work plans in order to meet customer and business expectations.
4. Responding quickly to change priorities and handle multiple projects with potentially overlapping deadlines.
5. Contributing ideas and suggestions to improve standard techniques, protocols and processes.
6. Interacting with different functions like PE, PID and EQ to ensure robotic workstations, detection instruments, and database/informatics tools are built to meet the demands on the service.
1. 智慧製造工程師將學習領先全球之人工智慧製造技術。
2. 大數據分析、提升生產製造效率 : 透過數據分析,找出瓶頸機台,提升機台生產效率。突破性的分析派工專案系統,優化生產資源與最佳化製造效率。
3. 機器學習、創造無限可能 : 利用機器學習的研究方法,應用於生產流程改善,進而開發獨步全球的創新應用,達成生產排程的最佳化以及晶圓產出極大化。
4. 世界職涯舞台、晉升科技菁英 : 加入全球最先進的科技行列,與全球接軌,航向無限可能的未來!等待你的加入!