Register your interest: Product & Engineering @ Alasco

Job Information

Job Description:

  • To further optimize our product at Alasco and ensure the best possible service for our customers, we are constantly looking for the best talent for our Product & Engineering Department!
  • Alasco reduces the cost and duration of construction projects by connecting all stakeholders through software. Our clients in the real estate industry are not just creating new residential and commercial space, they are adding value to society. Our digital know-how puts these companies on par with digitally leading industries and helps them fulfil this mission. How do we do that? With intelligent workflows and smart data use that revolutionises the everyday work of project managers.
  • Would you like to join us on our journey and drive the digitalisation of the real estate industry but have not found a suitable position on our career page? Here you have the opportunity to send an unsolicited application to Alasco! We are always on the search for new ideas, perspectives and innovations that will drive Alasco forward.

Experience Level: Entry Level
Work From: Onsite

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