Software Engineer@ Pluralsight

Job Information

Job Description:

You’d be an outstanding fit if you have:

  • Experience writing unit tests, performing code reviews, and participating in design discussions about architecture, data shape, and business logic.
  • Experience designing, building, or supporting highly-performant distributed systems.
  • A desire to be a lifelong learner growing your current skills while acquiring new ones.
  • Able to tackle problems independently and prioritize work based on anticipated business value.
  • Passionate about data, innovation, and using technology to unlock the future.


Experience you’ll need:

  • 3+ years of software development
  • Building software with NodeJS, TypeScript, ReactJS, and Postgres.
  • NodeJS to build APIs (Express or Koa), Listeners and Worker services, is a plus
  • Writing tests (TDD) and following clean code practices
  • Familiarity with containers/Docker for development and deployment, a plus


Ways we work:

  • Software Craftsmanship – we want to be proud of our work.
  • Test-Driven Development – we take ownership for our code without QA engineers!
  • Pair and mob programming – we value collaborative development
  • Continuous Delivery – teams independently ship code to prod every day
  • Kanban & Lean – no more backlog grooming, no more T-shirt size estimating
  • Continual improvement – we take time to sharpen the saw and adjust how we work
  • Autonomous & responsible teams – making their own product & dev choices
  • Multi-functional teams – collaborating through all phases of the product dev process
  • Customer research – we build what our customers actually want
  • Trusting leaders – who empower us to build the right solutions for our customers

Experience Level: Mid-Senior
Work From: Remote from Country India

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